August 16, 2013

Kindergarten orientation was today. Can you believe I am big enough to go to kindergarten this year? Mommy can’t! Today I met my teachers, aides, classroom nurse and therapists. My favorite part of the day was that I got to ride on the school bus “all by myself”! Mommy and Daddy had to stay in the school while I got to go with all the kids on the bus. Please keep me in prayer while I transition to school. This is going to be a big change for my whole family! I am going to be staying in school until 2:30 in the afternoon. This means no nap and school is going to have to give me my afternoon medication. Mommy keeps reminding me that I have to be a good girl about taking my medicine at school.

Daddy has been working really hard getting ready for the half marathon on September 15th. Go to to see his page. All the money he raises goes to the Dravet Syndrome Foundation and helps fund research into Dravet Syndrome. So much has been learned about my type of epilepsy over the past 5 years. If we can continue to research it, maybe we can find ways diagnose, treat, and one day cure it! Tonight Daddy ran 8 miles on the treadmill for me. It is a beautiful night for a run, but instead of getting to run outside after work before it got dark, he took me to my soccer practice. Isn’t he a nice Daddy?

Hope you are having a great summer. I am enjoying my last few weeks before school starts!

Oh, and stay tuned… I hope to have something exciting to share with you in a few weeks!



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